What Ages Benefit from Visiting a Chiropractor?


by Dr. Gurj Kalay

Man and Woman Sitting on Sofa

The chiropractic profession treats about 35 million people in the United States annually, with roughly 10% of Americans receiving chiropractic care at some point in their lifetime. If you’ve been living with chronic back, shoulder, or neck pain, chiropractic treatment can help ease pain and improve your mobility.

Chiropractic treatment is safe for people of all ages. Keep reading to learn more about who can benefit from chiropractic care and what to expect.

What is Chiropractic Care?

You might wonder what to expect if you’re considering seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractors like Dr. Kalay help realign your spine by using pressure or instruments to manipulate your joints. This procedure is called spinal or joint manipulation.

When you see a chiropractor, they will gather a history of your presenting concerns and then outline a treatment plan based on your needs. Chiropractors may also take X-rays or do a physical examination to help determine what treatments might benefit you the most.

Some common chiropractic treatments include:

  • Adjustments
  • Soft-Tissue Therapy
  • Dry needling

Some chiropractors may specialize in specific treatments, giving you additional treatment options.

What Ages Benefit Most from Seeing a Chiropractor?

Individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors, can benefit from seeing a chiropractor. The most common age at which people begin chiropractic care is between 45 and 64, but many people can benefit from seeing a chiropractor prior to age 45 and after age 64, including infants and children.

Infants and Children

It’s safe for infants and children to see a chiropractor and they may seek this care for a few reasons:

  • To aid in digestion
  • To improve sleep
  • Decrease in colic
  • To help align the spine after birth trauma or injury

Older children may also benefit from seeing a chiropractor, especially if they are injured or are in a lot of pain.


Adults choose chiropractic care for many reasons. Many want treatment for an injury or to alleviate pain. Adult chiropractic can help improve posture, ease pain, and improve range of motion.


Adults 65 and older also can benefit from chiropractic care. Research suggests that the most common reason adults 65 and older seek chiropractic care is due to back pain, which chiropractors can treat.

What Are the Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor?

Chiropractic treatment can help treat many conditions related to your musculoskeletal system. When you see a chiropractor, you may find relief from the following conditions:

Seeing a chiropractor can also alleviate the pain and tension that many women experience during pregnancy. Research indicates that chiropractic care during pregnancy is safe for most women and benefits birth outcomes.

The American Pregnancy Association reports that the potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • Reducing labor and delivery time
  • Alleviating pressure and tension of joints
  • Relief from back and neck pain
  • Reducing nausea
  • Helping you maintain a healthier pregnancy

Next Steps

If you live in or near Yuba City, California, and need chiropractic treatment, Yuba Sutter Chiropractic can help. To schedule an appointment, complete our online form here or call or e-mail the office.

Dr. Kalay can help you determine the best course of treatment and your body will thank you.


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